Expectant & New Mother Support

Pregnancy and becoming a new mother are special times in a woman's life. Many women, however, find they need a little extra support during these times. Holy Cross Health offers a variety of resources that you and your family may find helpful before and after giving birth.

Breastfeeding Support 

Breastfeeding is a natural process that provides many benefits to your newborn. Holy Cross Health offers a number of resources to mothers who are breast-feeding or considering it — including certified lactation consultants, a breastfeeding support group and breast pump rentals. Learn more.

Car Seat Rental Program 

Appropriately using a child safety seat is the best protection you can provide your child during transportation. Holy Cross Health offers a KISS (Kids in Safety Seats) car seat rental program. Reservations must be made in advance. Learn more.

Gestational Diabetes Education Program

Gestational diabetes is a pregnancy-induced disease usually occurring in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is caused by an intolerance of carbohydrates and is characterized by abnormally high blood glucose levels. Our Gestational Diabetes Education Program offers individualized one-on-one instruction to help mothers-to-be learn how to manage gestational diabetes. Learn more.

Never Alone Perinatal Palliative Care Program 

Never Alone is a program for parents who choose to carry a pregnancy to term after receiving a diagnosis that will result in a serious medical issue or even death for the newborn. The Never Alone program is designed to provide compassionate and supportive care to you and your family during this difficult time. Learn more.

Maternal/Child Health Home Care 

Holy Cross Health offers a wide range of home care services for expectant mothers, new mothers and their newborns. Some of these services might be covered by your insurance plan and others are provided on a fee-for-service basis. Learn more.