Millions of people are now working from home due to the COVID-19 outbreak and stay-at-home orders. Some have teleworked before, but this may be the first time working from home for many people.
You may have several questions, such as where to set up your workspace and what furniture you need. Adjusting to your new workspace and the work-from-home lifestyle can go more smoothly and you can be more productive if you follow some basic guidelines.
Where to Put Your Workspace
Perhaps the first question you had to address when you started working from home was: where should you work? The ideal workspace is a place that’s dedicated for work only, is well-lit and is away from distractions.
When you’re working from home, the line between work and home is blurred. Try to create boundaries that separate your workspace from your home life. If you have a spare bedroom with a closing door, make it your home office, and enter it only during work hours. This may help you maintain some semblance of a work-life balance.
If you don’t have a private room, set up a workspace in a quiet corner out of trafficked areas. Some of the biggest distractions at home are the kitchen and the television. Try to avoid working from your dining room table or your couch. You’ll get more work done if you make your home office space look as much like being at the office.
Place your desk or table near a window. Natural light diminishes stress, reduces eye strain and allows you to be more productive. But avoid lighting sources that shine directly on your computer monitor and create glare, which can cause you to squint and strain your eyes. Position your workstation so that it runs alongside your windows rather than directly in front of or behind your computer monitor.
What Your Workspace Needs
Once you’ve designated a space to work, you’ll need to set up your equipment. Ideally, you’d have a proper desk, chair and light. Not everyone at home has access to office furniture, so you’ll have to make the best of what you have
A comfortable chair is your most important piece of furniture. So, start there. If you’re purchasing a chair online, look for one that is completely adjustable so you can adjust the armrests and seat height to suit your body.
If you’re using furniture you already have at home, choose a chair that has sturdy back support. Your elbows should be at the same height as your desk. You may need to test a few different chair and table combinations until you find the right fit. Sit upright with your back pressed against the chair and place your computer screen at eye level. You may need to stack it on top of some old books.
Get a lamp so that you’re not totally reliant on natural light from your windows. It’s best to avoid working under the direct glare of overhead lights, so find a desk lamp that aims the light down on your desk and papers. Lamps that have a flexible arm allow you to adjust the height and angle to suit what you’re working on.
More Work-From-Home Tips to Stay Healthy
Now that you’ve created a healthier home office workspace, the next step is to make a plan for getting things done. It helps to spend a few minutes every morning creating a list of what you need to accomplish. Focus on your list throughout the day, and check things off as you finish them. This will give you a sense of accomplishment.
Here are some more tips to stay productive throughout the day and improve your health.
- Reduce eye strain by following the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, stop looking at your screen. Stare at something 20 yards away for 20 seconds.
- Pay attention to your posture. Sit with your chin up and your shoulders back.
- If you’re on the phone a lot, use that time to stand up and move around.
- Take breaks during your workday to reduce muscle tension with a guided stretch routine, get some fresh air and eat healthy snacks.
- Add one or two plants to your home office. Studies have shown that plants reduce workers’ stress and increase productivity.
Recommended Links
- Read our blog for tips on staying grounded during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Stay physically active with our new virtual classes
- Gain physical and mental wellness with a chair cardio workout
- Learn about yoga poses that help with relaxation
- Learn to make cauliflower fried rice as a healthy grain alternative
Holy Cross Health presents the information in this blog as a resource for our community. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice or to endorse any particular entity or service. Personal health problems should be brought to the attention of the appropriate health professionals.