Paul Gaitan and Jenna Michel | Holy Cross Germantown Hospital Maternity Services

"We're very pleased with the care we received at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital—we had everything we needed."
– Paul Gaitan, pictured with Jenna and their daughter Eleni.

Since becoming pregnant with their first child, Paul Gaitan and Jenna Michel have been open to receiving guidance. As a physical therapy assistant and an early childhood education graduate, the Germantown couple—through their work and schooling—already know their fair share about health care and teaching kids, but parenthood is a whole new journey for them. That's why they were glad to access Holy Cross Health's continuum of high-quality maternity care, from prenatal education to postnatal support—and everything in between.


Aliya Poshni, MD 

Jenna's obstetrician, Aliya Poshni, MD, told the couple that delivering at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital would be convenient, only about five minutes from their home. Jenna had already made two emergency room trips to the hospital for other needs, so she was familiar with the facility and confident in the care she would receive there.

They also turned to Holy Cross Health to help them prepare for their baby, taking a free prenatal tour of the hospital's maternity services, as well as a childbirth preparation class, to feel more assured going into labor. "The class was very informative and the teacher was great," said Jenna.

Adds Dr. Poshni, "Jenna went the extra mile and did everything asked of her to help ensure her delivery experience was positive and memory-filled. Having that open communication and partnership with patients is so important to achieve a level of comfort and confidence going into the hospital."

Jenna began experiencing contractions in the middle of the night last spring, and she and Paul headed to the hospital that morning. "They took us right up when we arrived, told me I was three centimeters dilated, and after getting all settled in, encouraged us to walk the hallways to help move the baby along," she said. "The nurses were all very friendly and greeted me during my laps—that made me feel at ease and encouraged."

After lots of walking, and support from Paul and the nursing staff, Jenna was ready to push, with Dr. Poshni guiding her through the delivery. About 30 minutes later, they finally met their beautiful daughter, Eleni, a happy and healthy baby girl. The couple especially appreciated the hospital's quiet and calming environment and its spacious, private maternity suites, which allowed them to comfortably welcome family and friends throughout their stay.

For families who need it, Holy Cross Germantown Hospital also offers a special care nursery, a newborn care center with private rooms for babies who are born up to two months early or who require being on a ventilator for less than 24 hours a day. And, for women interested in delivering with the guidance of a certified nurse midwife, Holy Cross Germantown Hospital welcomes these providers.

Assisting new moms with their feeding goals is also a top priority for the hospital's nursing staff: "I got some great breast-feeding tips while in the hospital, and Holy Cross also arranged for a home nurse and lactation consultant to visit me after bringing Eleni home," said Jenna. Echoes Paul, "We're very pleased with the care we received at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital—we had everything we needed." The family of three is off to a great start, tapping family members for support but mostly just enjoying getting to know their new bundle of joy.

For more information about Holy Cross Germantown Hospital's maternity services and to take a virtual tour, visit