
"Everyone is very interactive, social and caring—you can really tell that they care about what they do. “Since mom started going to the center, she seems more content, her mood is upbeat and she smiles more.” 
- Vicky Nunez (left), pictured with her mother Graciela

For caregivers Vicky Nuñez and Leslie Knee, the Holy Cross Medical Adult Day Center is an important source of support and peace of mind. Vicky’s mother, Graciela, attends the center three times a week, where she engages with other participants and staff members in a number of activities, from seated exercise, to music, to dog therapy.

The couple learned about the Medical Adult Day Center while receiving counseling at Holy Cross Health’s Bereavement Center, following the passing of Leslie’s mother.

“We decided adult day care was a good fit because my mother’s moderate dementia doesn’t allow us to leave her home alone for an extended period of time,” says Vicky. “She can still do some things for herself, but it’s obvious that her thought process is deteriorating.”

Both self-employed, Vicky and Leslie are able to continue their work and enjoy some respite, thanks to pairing adult day care with in-home caregiving support for Graciela.

For the first few days at the center, Vicky was able to stay and observe, which reassured her Graciela would receive high-quality care in a socially stimulating environment.

"Everyone is very interactive, social and caring—you can really tell that they care about what they do,” says Vicky. “Since mom started going to the center, she seems more content, her mood is upbeat and she smiles more.”

Hearing from Graciela that it’s been “a good day” helps Vicky a lot. She has also taken advantage of a Holy Cross caregiver support group, which Vicky found to be “very informative, with people sharing their emotions and helpful insight.”

In addition to a daily schedule of activities, the Medical Adult Day Center’s full-time nurses provide high-level care based on the participant’s needs, coordinating closely with each person’s primary care doctor. The center also offers occupational, physical and speech therapy with a physician referral.

"The staff is very tuned in to changes in our participants’ health, so we’re able to work with their doctor to make recommendations for additional treatment or monitoring needs,” says Kathleen Williams, director of the Holy Cross Medical Adult Day Center. “Caregivers can rest assured their loved one is having fun, and that their health care is in good hands.”

Call 301-754-7150 to learn about two free days at the Holy Cross Medical Adult Day Center.