Financial Assistance Program

Holy Cross Health is committed to being the most trusted provider of health care in our community. That involves a commitment to provide accessible services to individuals who are uninsured or underinsured and do not have the resources to pay for necessary care or do not qualify for programs that would provide coverage (Medicaid, MCHP, MHIP, etc.). In the event that no public program applies, Holy Cross Health has a Financial Assistance Program that will enable any qualifying patient to obtain necessary hospital services. All Maryland residents or patients, who present with an urgent, emergent, or life-threatening condition, may apply for Financial Assistance.  In addition, Holy Cross Health provides urgent or emergent care to all patients regardless of their ability to pay.

Holy Cross Health's financial assistance program offers free or discounted services to patients who qualify. Applications and information are available below or through the financial counselors, cashiers, and inpatient registration areas.

Financial Assistance Program Information

Covered Providers

List of individual doctors that are providing emergency or medically necessary care at a Holy Cross Health hospital by the name used either to contract with the hospital or to bill patients for care provided covered under this Financial Assistance Policy. 

Non-Covered Providers

List of individual doctors that are providing emergency or medically necessary care at a Holy Cross Health hospital by the name used either to contract with the hospital or to bill patients for care provided not covered under this Financial Assistance Policy.


For more information regarding our Financial Assistance Program, please call our financial counselors at 301-754-7195 for Holy Cross Hospital or 301-557-6195 at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital.