Military and Veteran Health Care

Military and Veterans Health Program

Meeting military service members' and veterans’ health care needs is an important part of our overarching mission to safeguard our community’s health. Through Holy Cross Health’s Military and Veterans Health Care Program, we are committed to providing convenient access to high-quality health services in a respectful and culturally appropriate environment that meets the specific needs of military service members, veterans, and their family members.

Our mission as a health care system is to be a transforming healing presence in our communities. Recognizing veterans' specific health concerns and challenges, many of our doctors and staff have completed dedicated training to help understand and respond to the health concerns and challenges specific to the military community.

This includes key illnesses and injuries and both the visible and invisible wounds of war associated with military service and deployments. The training not only increases awareness of service-related diagnoses, but also enables our doctors and staff to learn more about a patient's military history and general areas of concern, such as behavioral health issues, traumatic injuries sustained during military service, occupational exposures to infectious diseases, and/or observation of traumatic events. It also enhances the patient experience and improves health outcomes for our nation’s veterans, service members, and their families.

The first step in getting the right care tailored to a veteran's military background is making sure the health care team knows the patient is a current, former, or retired military service member or a family member of a military service member/veteran.

Find a Military and Veteran Health Doctor

Holy Cross Hospital and Holy Cross Germantown Hospital are both in-network for TRICARE as is Holy Cross Health Partners in Kensington. We also participate in the Veterans Community Care (VCC) Program. Check with your chosen doctor to be sure they are in-network for TRICARE as well.

Caring for Our Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families

With our Military and Veterans Health Care, we are committed to providing respectful and culturally competent health services in the following ways:

  • Providers and staff are trained in military and veterans’ health. This training includes an understanding of military culture and the nuances of various military service branches; key illnesses and injuries associated with military service and military deployments, and effects of military service and deployments on family members.
  • We welcome you. Your military background is part of who you are. We demonstrate our respect for your contributions with permanently displayed flags in the lobby of our hospitals. This includes the five military service branch flags or a single U.S. flag, a visible reminder of the commitment that our military service members, veterans, and their families have provided to our country.
  • You must know me to treat me. Getting the right care starts with making sure your health care team knows that you're a service member, veteran or family member. To streamline this process, we've added military-community specific questions to our patient registration, intake forms and electronic medical records.

Find a Military and Veteran Health Doctor

Key Military Illnesses and Injuries Treated:

In addition to providing you with preventive and responsive ongoing care, we offer a variety of specialized services for our military and veterans, including but not limited to:

  • Agent Orange Exposure
  • Behavioral and Mental Health
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Dismounted Complex Blast Injuries (DCBI)
  • Environmental Exposures (burn pits, etc.)
  • Gulf War Illness
  • Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Nerve Pain
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Traumatic injuries sustained during military service
  • War Lung Injury
  • Wounds of war

Our Doctors:

While all of our doctors at Holy Cross Health provide respectful, compassionate care, the doctors listed below have completed our military and veterans health program training.


Contact Us:

William (Bill) Frederick, MS, RN 
Senior Director Specialized Patient Services 
Veteran, United States Army Nurse Corps 
Military and Veteran Health Program Champion


J. Gregory Jolissaint, MD, MS, CPE 
Veteran, United States Army Medical Corps 
Vice President, Military and Veterans Health Program