Preparing for Spine Surgery

Preparing for Spine Surgery

Spine Surgery Preparation & Recovery at Holy Cross Health

If you are planning for spine surgery at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring or Holy Cross Hospital in Germantown, consider attending a virtual preoperative class about what to expect before, during, and after surgery. A pre-recorded class is also available. 

We recommend that you attend the virtual class or watch the pre-recorded class prior to surgery and encourage you to involve a support person.

Download a copy of our Spine Surgery Guide to help prepare for your upcoming surgery. 

Preoperative Spine Surgery Class

Prepare for Your Upcoming Surgery

For more information about Holy Cross Health's Spine Program call 301-754-7774.

Prepare Your Home

Following are some tips to prepare your home prior to your spine surgery to help prevent falls:

  • Arrange furniture so that you have plenty of room to move about.
  • Remove clutter (e.g., newspapers, toys) to prevent tripping and or falling.
  • Watch out for pets. Consider keeping them contained when you are walking around.
  • Keep electrical cords out of walkways.
  • Keep a small table with frequently needed items close to your chair/bed.
  • Keep a telephone within easy reach.
  • Make arrangements to stay on the first level if you have stairs to your bedroom.
  • Consider an alternate entrance if there are many stairs leading into your house.
  • Arrange your cabinets so that frequently used items are within easy reach.
  • Be aware of doorway thresholds and waxed floors as these can lead to falls.

Additional Suggestions

  • Prepare meals ahead of time.
  • Set up a schedule for assistance with daily activities.
  • Arrange for someone to call to check in a couple of times a day to see if you need anything (if you are home alone).

To schedule your preoperative home safety assessment, call 301-557-4663.