Community Benefit Testimonials


Community is more than a collection of people living in close proximity to one another. True community is as much about spirit as it is about the place — where caring people work together to make a difference in the lives of those around them. For more than 50 years, Holy Cross Health has been a good neighbor, an excellent caregiver, and a trusted partner in health as we strive to meet the needs of our community, improving the health of individuals and families across the region.

Hear from a few of the people we serve every day and their health care providers.

Access to High-Quality Healthcare

Jose Mercado

Jose Mercado

Jose continues to manage his diabetes and can resume the things he loves with a new prosthesis.

Read Jose's story
Daysi and Elmon

Daysi and Elmon

“Throughout my pregnancy and the day my baby was born, I received excellent, quality care with dignity and respect.”

Read their story
Claudia and Lucas

Claudia and Lucas

Claudia delivered a strong, healthy infant at Holy Cross Hospital after receiving critical prenatal and follow-up care at Holy Cross Hospital’s OB/GYN Clinic.

Read their story
Maria Rodriguez

Maria Rodriguez

Maria reduced her health risks with care from the Holy Cross Health Center in Silver Spring and through our Diabetes Prevention Program.

Read Maria's story
Rosa Pineda

Rosa Pineda

Baby Ana Sofia is thriving, the happy outcome of prenatal care provided to her mother Rosa at the Holy Cross Germantown Hospital OB/GYN clinic.

Read Rosa's story
Nate Burger

Nate Burger

Nate is making outstanding progress with care from the Holy Cross Health Center in Aspen Hill after he had mini-strokes from dangerously high blood pressure.

Read Nate's story
2021 Annual Report

Annual Report

Holy Cross Health’s 2021 Annual Report, Together with Purpose, highlights how we continued to find new and effective ways to serve our community during an unprecedented and ongoing health crisis.

Download the Report Access Previous Reports

Improving Fitness for All - Senior Fit and Kid's Fit

Donna Richardson

Donna Richardson

“All these programs for seniors show that Holy Cross Health takes a holistic approach to the health and welfare of our community."

Read Donna's story
Sam Miranda

Sam Miranda

"It took me only one week to get used to it. There are people older, younger, some in better shape than others. Each person has his or her own reason for going."

Read Sam's story
Olavee Progue

Olavee Progue

"I've been participating in Holy Cross' Senior Fit program and I really notice a difference. My energy is up and I sleep better. It's just all around good for you!

Read Olavee's story
Chetna Shuka

Chetna Shuka

"I was depressed before I started Senior Fit. Now I feel much better and more relaxed. I push myself and I never miss a class, even when I don't feel like coming."

Read Chetna's story
Jonathan and Sarah

Jonathan and Sarah

"I like coming to Kid's Fit. I know it's important to be active — your heart and brain wake up when you exercise," said Jonathon.

Read Jonathan's story
The Reyes Brothers

The Reyes Brothers

At Kid's Fit, the Reyes brothers discovered they can run — a whole mile, little Mario included. Between exercises and practicing sports, they get Kid's Fit tips on healthy eating.

Read their story

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

Jose Nuñez

Jose Nuñez

Jose is managing his diabetes and improving his overall health with support from the Holy Cross Health Center's Diabetes Survival Skills class.

Read Jose's story
Sheila Langston

Sheila Langston

"I realized that supporting my chronic illness wasn't just about seeing doctors. It was about my lifestyle, eating well, exercise, and maintaining my strong mental health."

Read Sheila's story

Faith Community Nurse Program

Marilee Tollefson

Marilee Tollefson

"I serve as a health educator, counselor, and resource to St. Andrew's congregation, and Holy Cross Health's Faith Community Nurse Program fulfills those same functions for me."

Read Marilee's story

Community Health Workers

Debra Wylie

Debra Wylie

"Sometimes, I speak at three health fairs a day. Other days, I visit public places, pass out educational material and talk to anyone who's interested in improving their health."

Read Debra's story

Medical Adult Day Center

Albert Zeuthen

Albert Zeuthen

Medical Adult Day Center participant Albert likes dancing with senior activity coordinator, Cynthia Cross. "The program has made my life more enjoyable, says Albert. "Every day I attend is a good day."

Read Albert's story