Health Minister Education and Training

Monthly Chats

Join us during our monthly chats for networking and resource-sharing opportunities. Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of every month, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. To join, click the following button.

Join Monthly Meeting

Past Monthly Chat Recordings

FCN November 2022 Chat- Rebuilding Together Montgomery and The Villages Montgomery County
October 26th FCN Chat- Naborforce and Aging Well Eldercare
Faith Community Nurse Program Monthly Chat September 28th
NAMI Montgomery County: "In Your Own Voice"
Unmasking Mental Health Challenges
Care and Connections for Families
Leaning into Wellbeing
Domestic Violence Part 1 of 2
Domestic Violence Part 2 of 2
Health Ministries and Engagement Post Pandemic

The Dove 

The Dove is our publication of the Holy Cross Faith Community Nurse Program. The publication offers updates about community efforts, events, and resources. 

2021 Publications