
The Holy Cross Hospital PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency Program is designed to help pharmacists make the transition from the role of a student to that of an advanced practitioner. The program provides a rigorous and advanced training experience to motivated individuals and is customizable to each resident. Rotations and learning activities are oriented towards the resident’s interests and needs.

Requirements for completion of the PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency Program include:

  • Major Resident Project
  • Write up of final Resident Project in manuscript form acceptable for peer-review journal publication
  • Completion of a MUE
  • Completion of at least one drug monograph
  • Teaching a professional lecture eligible for Continuing Education Credit
  • Teaching a didactic lecture to a class of health professionals
  • Successful completion of all required rotations
  • Maintain and submit a rotation notebook portfolio to include all version drafts and associated feedback

Residents who fail to complete program requirements and comply with all conditions of the residency program shall not be awarded a certificate of completion of the residency program.

Residency Curriculum

  • Orientation and Training –  eight weeks
  • Internal Medicine – six weeks
  • Medical Intensive Care – six weeks
  • Surgical Intensive Care – six weeks
  • Hematology and Oncology – six weeks
  • Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU)/Women's Health – six weeks
  • Administration/Management  – six weeks
  • Medication Safety – 12-month longitudinal
  • Research/Project – 12-month longitudinal
  • Elective – four weeks
    • Geriatric care
    • Women’s Health
    • Palliative Care/Pain Management
    • Antimicrobial Stewardship
    • Anticoagulation/Cardiology
    • Pharmacokinetics/Nutrition
    • Medication Safety
    • Behavioral Health
    • Emergency Medicine
    • Transitions of Care/Seniors/Ambulatory Care

Residents have the option of repeating any core rotations

Pharmacy Practice (Staffing)

Consistent with American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) residency standards, each resident will complete a pharmacy practice component of the residency program. Although often referred to as “staffing” this practice component represents another learning opportunity within the framework of the residency program.

This experience is crucial to the development of professional practice skills. The resident will gain proficiency in distribution and clinical skills, personnel management and leadership skills, and insight into process improvement opportunities for acute care facilities.


Each resident is expected to practice as a pharmacist in several areas throughout the residency year.

Residents must be licensed in the state of Maryland to practice as a pharmacist within 60 days of initial start date. 

Licenses must be renewed and verified on the primary source that is the Maryland Board of Pharmacy website 30 days prior to the expiration date.

General Staffing

Residents will practice every second weekend (or one weekday evening shift and every third weekend.)

Holiday Staffing Coverage

Residents, as a part of the professional staff of the department, are expected to assist with holiday coverage during the residency year.