Sisters of the Holy Cross Society
The Sisters of the Holy Cross Society honors those who have supported Holy Cross Health with cumulative donations of $1 to $999. This society honors and reflects the inclusive community spirit of the Sisters of the Holy Cross and their dedication to health care and education for all. We thank these donors below for their continued support to Holy Cross Health.
Sisters of the Holy Cross Society Members
The Sisters of the Holy Cross Society members listed below include donors who continued their giving between January 1, 2023, through December 10, 2023.
Fe R. Adolfo
Achieng A. Akumu
Mavis B. Aldred
Jewel L. Allen
Naakwama S. Ankrah
Anonymous (79)
Santhakumar Arumugaswamy
Association of Medical Facility Professionals (AMFP)
Brandon Baker
Ana C. Banks
James and Chiu-Er Barnes
Chris Barnett
Edith F. Bass
Marie J. Bauer
Christine Beauchaine
Carmen Begley
Lisa Bianchini
Cheryl Bird
Christina L. Birk
Dace L. Blaumanis
James N. Boncore
Gary and Kay Boughan
Valetta Z. Brannock
William R. Braxton
Margot H. Brazier
Joan K. Brennan
Ellen M. Bretz
Kelsey A. Brey
Ida M. Brodie
Elsa Brown
Kecia Brown
Terrence Cangelosi
Maria G. Carmona
Elizabeth Cassidy
Helen Chabot
Emily Chavez
Caroline K. Clark
Tyra L. Cochran
Elizabeth H. Cockerham
Bennett Coffey
Rick Coffey
Marilyn R. Cohen
Sarah Cohen
Kristin A. Cole
Anthony J. Corio
Lauren Cotton
Darin Craig
Louise Crissman
Pamela Dahill
Elizabeth DeLeon
Guadalupe Delgado
Irene Dent
Annmarie Dinsmore
Ed Diraimo
Michael P. Dombo
Carol L. Dorsey
Matthew Douglas
Kathy Doyle
Laura Dragos
Melissa E. Drew
F. Gregory Dulovich
Anthony and Judy Durkin
Mac Edelen
Persis Elwood
Kristen D. English Samonsky
Adenrele B. Fabayo
LaForest Faulkner
Celeste B. Filoia
Nicole, Brian, Bryson C. Follmeyer
Mary E. Frank
Donna Frossf
Yogeeta P. Gandhi
Amy J. Gardner
M. Giacometti
Benjamin A. Gitterman
Mary O. Glasgow
Meenakshi Goel
Jeffrey Golden
Brenda Goodwin
Dallas E. Gravette
Brian K. Grempler
Joyce A. Hale
Alorin S. Harris
Jean Y. Harvin
Lauren R. Hauptman
Karen J. Hawkins
Dana M. Heiser
Marcella Hickey
David A. Hill
Larhonda M. Hill
Hornet's Nest Grille
Monica Huber
Gaillard T. Hunt
Eileen Hyde
Marichu M. Iglesias
International Monetary Fund
Ivanova Irizarry
Daisy D. John
Clarion E. Johnson
Rachel M. Johnson
Christy Jones
Paul L. Jones
Grace Keegan
David Kessler
Marie King
Janet B. Kisler
David G. Knauber
Karen B. Koroma
Eunice Y. Lai
Shingmin Lai
Mark Lawson
Angela S. Lee
Shin Y. Lee
Karen J. Lefler
Annamarie P. Legaspi
Tzu-Liang Lin
Raymond and Sylvia Lucero
Andrew Malone
Esther E. Mantey
Martine Martin
Leslie B. Masiky
Phyllis J. Massaquol
Luella Mast
Kathy Mathieson
Duane M. Matson
Diane P. Matthews
San S. Maw
Raye McDougle
Faith McFarlane
Shirley A. McGue
Medpeds Llc
Frank and Sharon Menaker
Gloria E. Mercott
Hildegard Merkle
Victoria Merlo
The Meyer 2022 Donor Advised Fund
Patricia A. Middleton
Christy R. Milord
Julia Mirich
Geraldine Mitchell
Robert J. Moore
Tommye D. Moore
Judith L. Mounty
Kellyn E. Naing
Kim L. Nguyen
Roman Novak
Jane O'Grady
Tom and Lou Olin
Louis A. Outram
Shirley A. Owens
Jeffrey Padgett
Christopher M. Paganelli
Christopher S. Paslawski
Eugenia Patterson
Dan Policelli
William T. Poole
Breanne Porter
Ethel K. Quartey
Jack H. Rapport
Christina Ritchie
William Robin
Michelle P. Robine
Brittany L. Robinson
Danielle Robinson
Nicole A. Robinson
Franciscus Rolaf
Rufus Rosser
Jessica Rucker
Angela M. Ruiz
Andrew L. Rukhin
Rebecca Salon and Jay P. Goldman
James Sambataro
Barry Sasscer
Patricia Sauer
Tanya Schmieler
Schneider Electric Foundation
Jeaneen Scott
Corazon G. Sebastian
Abdullah Shamim
Christopher T. Sharpe
Dong X. Shen
Dongxing Shen
Basil S. Shephard
Eve T. Shuman
Mercedes Silva
Julie M. Silverbrook Footer
Gajindar Singh
Vime Singh
Kathleen Sizemore
Gerald Slomka
Melicia A. Small
Joan Song
Alison Spada
Dustin Spencer
Jeffrey Spilman
Patricia Stauffer
Dilbar Stepanova
Mary Ann Stroker
Magdeline Sullivan
Nitin Tandon
Brian and Marjorie Taylor
Charles J. Tegeler
Kenneth Toledo
Mavivian C. Toledo
Danielle Valentino
Zenobio J. Valenzuela
Rachel A. Vanarsdall
Maximiliano Vasquez
Brenda Vaughan
Sonja O. Vogel
Laura Walker
Kiara Waller
Liz Waller
Joan M. Walsh
Kyle Walton
Catherine White
Duane Wilson
Jasmin Wilson
William B. Wilson
Nana C. Withers
Women In Healthcare Maryland Chapter Inc.
Theresa M. Woo
Roberta A. Zalewski
Donors who would like to change how their name is listed should contact the Holy Cross Health Foundation at
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