June Morgenstern

I Was One of the First Charge Nurses at Holy Cross Hospital

I worked at Holy Cross Hospital, as a charge nurse in pediatrics on the 4 p.m. to 12 a.m. shift, when the hospital first opened its doors in 1963. Sister Laurencita ran the hospital and she was so wonderful.

I remember when the rabbi from my synagogue had a heart attack and was a patient at Holy Cross. Sister Laurencita came to visit him and saw the Christian cross hanging on the wall.

She told the rabbi that if the cross bothered him she would remove it. He told her it was not necessary--that he needed all the help he could get.

My husband and I live near the hospital and over the years we have visited many times for many reasons. During both my employment and with every visit thereafter, I’m reminded of what a very special place Holy Cross Hospital is.