Sister Jean Andre Fannon

A Saint in Our Midst
Submitted by Margot Cook, former neighbor, employee and volunteer to Holy Cross Hospital

From 1964 until 1982, an angel graced the halls of Holy Cross Hospital in the guise of a Sister of the Holy Cross. Everyone knew her and greeted her always smiling face with a return smile. It didn’t take long before Sister Jean Andre and Holy Cross Hospital became synonymous with one another.

It seemed as though Sister Jean Andre was everywhere! Hardly a day passed by that she didn’t manage a quick look in on every patient, cheering them up or consoling them, if needed. The men were especially impressed that this sprightly, petite Sister could quote any stat from any of the major baseball or football teams (TD, RBI, score, etc). She was also known for keeping a running account each year of how many lights illuminated the Mormon Tabernacle grounds at Christmas. Whether a patient or visitor, Sister was always there for you.

Sister Jean Andre Fannon | Holy Cross Hospital | 50th Anniversary Stories

Sister Jean Andre also impressed the staff by knowing them by name and many of their family members’ names as well. Sister Jean Andre had an amazing memory and used that great gift to reach out to everyone with whom she came in contact. She was “special,” or probably more accurately, “a saint in our midst.”