COVID-19 has disrupted our world. We recognize and understand that you might be confused or want answers. People want an end to this pandemic, but there is no quick solution available. We also know that conflicting information is coming from many sources and it can be difficult to know what information, or advice, to trust.

As a health care organization positioned at the front lines of this pandemic, Holy Cross Health is doing all we can to care for you, your loved ones and our community. That means it's our job to understand as much as possible about the novel coronavirus – a.k.a. COVID-19.

We will continue to provide the most up-to-date, scientifically-proven information about COVID-19, but here is what we know today:

Eight things we know about COVID-19

  1. COVID-19 is a new, or novel, coronavirus. We are learning new information about this virus every day, including what is effective in stopping the spread and potential treatments. As more is learned, we adjust our approaches with updates to guidelines, including personal protective equipment (PPE).
  2. It is highly contagious.
  3. There are limited treatments (e.g. Remdesivir and Dexamethasone)—but no cure—for COVID-19 today.
  4. Several other potential therapies, such as convalescent plasma, are being studied, including at Holy Cross Health’s sites.
  5. Hydroxychloroquine has not been proven to be effective, as demonstrated by several randomized clinical trials. Patients may even fare worse on this therapy.
  6. No vaccine is available today. Clinical trials are accelerating, but a safe vaccine probably will not be available for general distribution until sometime in 2021 at the earliest.
  7. Wearing masks, physical distancing—including avoiding crowds— and washing your hands are the most effective things you can do to slow the spread of COVID-19.
  8. It is essential that you stay home if you feel ill.

Additionally, Holy Cross Health is committed to providing the best and safest care to our colleagues, patients and communities, including access for all. We do our very best to be a trusted source of information for those we serve. Our vision is to be the most trusted health partner for life.

Holy Cross Health’s commitment to our patients, colleagues, physicians and clinicians

  • We will continue to use the best available clinical evidence to care for COVID-19 patients.
  • We will continue to use the best available clinical evidence, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, to protect our colleagues with PPE.
  • We will continue to participate in research protocols, share best-demonstrated practices, and evolve our clinical care protocols and processes to provide the best care to our patients, colleagues and communities.



Coronavirus Disease

COVID-19 Screening

Committed to Your Safety

Holy Cross Health presents the information in this blog as a resource for our community. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice or to endorse any particular entity or service. Personal health problems should be brought to the attention of the appropriate health professionals.