If you’ve been putting off a procedure such as a joint replacement or bariatric surgery, now is the time to get back on track. Here is what we are doing to keep you safe.

Safety First at all Holy Cross Health Facilities

Holy Cross Health is taking extra precautions to keep you safe while you get the care you need for good health. Our hospitals are exceeding standards and taking extraordinary steps to keep our patients and hospital staff safe.

Our facilities are undergoing enhanced cleaning – meaning increased frequency and robustness of disinfecting procedures.

We’re also taking measures to prevent transmission between patients by separating non-COVID patients from patients who have or show symptoms of COVID-19 and limiting visitors to the hospital, except under certain circumstances.

What to Expect When You Visit Our Hospitals

All surgical patients must be tested for COVID-19 prior to surgery. You’ll receive a phone call from a nurse to schedule your test. After your test, you’ll need to remain at home and self-isolate to ensure that you remain COVID-free.

When you come to Holy Cross Hospital or Holy Cross Germantown Hospital to have your procedure, you’ll need to abide by several protocols in order to keep you and everyone at the hospital safe. Patients and staff are required to wear a face mask at all times in our facilities. Masks must cover your nose and mouth. We will provide a mask if you don’t have one.

Upon entering the hospital, you’ll have your temperature taken to confirm that you don’t have a fever, and you’ll be screened for other symptoms. At this time, we are limiting visitors, under certain circumstances. Inside the facility, maintain physical distancing of at least six feet from others.

What Precautions You Should Take

It’s up to all of us to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you are sick or suspect you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, stay home and contact your doctor. If you need a primary care provider, schedule a virtual visit with our Holy Cross Health Partners or Holy Cross Health Centers primary care providers today.

Wash your hands frequently using warm water and soap. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available. Continue following the advice of health officials by wearing a face mask when you’re in public and maintaining physical distancing from others.


Holy Cross Health presents the information in this blog as a resource for our community. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice or to endorse any particular entity or service. Personal health problems should be brought to the attention of the appropriate health professionals.