Getting Marie Back on Her Feet


Marie Wallace and her Son, Glenn Wallace 
“We cannot thank Holy Cross Germantown Hospital enough for the tremendous, high-level care they offered my mother. The hospital is a very valuable asset to our community."

When 76-year-old Marie Wallace stumbled down the stairs, she fell forward but landed on her feet. “I was hopeful that everything was okay, but I soon realized something was very wrong,” says Marie. As her feet swelled, she was rushed by ambulance to Holy Cross Germantown Hospital.

“During our time in the Emergency department we received all of the necessary medical procedures, but what impressed us the most was the amount of caring attention given to my mother,” explains Marie’s son, Glenn.

Marie’s accident resulted in a broken right ankle and left foot. She was admitted to Holy Cross Germantown Hospital and Douglas Murphy, MD, orthopedic surgeon, performed surgery to repair both of her feet. Marie is now on the road to recovery.

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