Integrated Electronic Medical Record System

Holy Cross Health's integrated electronic medical record system uses Cerner PowerChart software. The electronic medical record system allows our physicians to practice patient focused, efficient, effective and safe patient care.

The electronic medical record system consists of:

  • Computerized physician/provider order entry (CPOE)
  • EKG and cardio images
  • eScription medical transcription
  • Radiology/PACS
  • Fetal monitoring
  • Remote access via a secure, easy-to-install download called MyAccess
  • PowerChart Maternity

For additional assistance and education, contact a physician coach: at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital, 301-557-6044 or at Holy Cross Hospital, 301-754-8938, in-house 2-2344

Special Information for Apple Users

Several members of our physician community have chosen Apple computers for their ease of use, quality and reliability. However, many of the clinical applications we run are only certified to run in a Microsoft Windows® environment and Microsoft Internet Explorer®.

Apple computers and the Macintosh Operating System (OS) are not supported by Trinity Information Services, and while we are continuously working on better serving all of our physicians, we have no current plans to support Macintosh computers.

Notwithstanding, we encourage Apple users within our physician community to explore ways in which to make their computers compatible with as many of our applications as possible. There are several applications that may facilitate compatibility by emulating a windows environment, and hardware add-ons that can run Windows® while still preserving the Macintosh OS within the same device.

While we cannot guarantee that our environment will be compatible if you were to choose any of the solutions below, we suggest that you consult Apple on its website,, where they have suggestions on how to make Apple computers useful in a Windows® environment.

Please visit the websites for popular emulator software manufacturers, such as Parallels, at, and VMWare Fusion, at which allow you to install the Windows® operating system in your Apple computer.