
Germantown, Md. – Holy Cross Health is pleased to announce that Holy Cross Germantown Hospital is the first community hospital in Montgomery County and the fifth community hospital in Maryland to acquire the da Vinci® Xi Surgical System, the latest in robotic surgery technology.

"Holy Cross Hospital was the first hospital in Montgomery County to offer robotic surgery in 2008, and today Holy Cross Health is continuing to pioneer minimally invasive surgery advancements as part of our ongoing commitment to innovation and high-quality care,” said Doug Ryder, president, Holy Cross Germantown Hospital. "We are proud to offer this latest minimally invasive surgery option to surgeons and patients at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital."

Like the original da Vinci Robotic Surgical System – named for Leonardo da Vinci, the inventor of the first robot – the da Vinci Xi enables surgeons to perform complex procedures through small incisions that can result in less pain, smaller scars and faster recovery compared to traditional surgeries.

"The addition of the da Vinci Xi is part of our continuing commitment to maintaining excellence and keeping abreast of advancing technology, and we are excited by the opportunity to do more complex and intricate surgeries in the areas of gynecology, urology, thoracic, cardiac and general surgery," said Bryan Steinberg, MD, thoracic surgeon and chair, Robotics Committee, Holy Cross Health. "The addition of this third robot to our system will allow us to further expand our offerings and will give more patients access to the reduced trauma and fast recovery times of minimally invasive surgery."

The first procedure using the da Vinci Xi Surgical System at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital was performed yesterday by Albert Steren, MD, gynecologic oncologist and co-director, Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology (COEMIG), Holy Cross Health. The following additional surgeons have expertise in robotic surgery and will be among the first in their specialties in the area to perform procedures at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital using the new technology: James Barter, MD, medical director, Gynecologic Oncology Research, Holy Cross Health; Roy Joseph, MD, urology; Rami Makhoul, MD, colorectal surgery; Shobha Sikka, MD, obstetrics and gynecology; Bryan Steinberg, MD, thoracic surgery; and David Wagar, MD, obstetrics and gynecology.

The robotics program at Holy Cross Health has 13 robotics-trained surgeons and is continuing to expand the number of trained surgeons and the range of specialties supported by robotic surgery. In addition to the da Vinci Xi Surgical System at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital, Holy Cross Hospital is also equipped with two da Vinci Si Surgical Systems.

The da Vinci Xi system expands upon core da Vinci system features, including wristed instruments, 3D-HD visualization, intuitive motion and an ergonomic design. As with all da Vinci systems, the surgeon is 100 percent in control of the robotic-assisted system, which translates his or her hand movements into smaller, more precise movements of tiny instruments inside the patient’s body. The da Vinci Xi system’s immersive 3D-HD vision system provides surgeons a highly magnified view, virtually extending their eyes and hands into the patient.

Physicians who are interested in learning more about the minimally invasive surgical options at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital may contact Christopher D. O'Brien, FACHE, vice president, Program Development, Holy Cross Germantown Hospital, at 301-557-5967.

View more photos of the first procedure using the da Vinci Xi at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital

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