Managing Back Pain Without Surgery

Chronic pain can have debilitating effects on your quality of life. Nonsurgical therapies and pain management techniques — including medication, physical therapy and exercise/flexibility classes — can help alleviate back and neck pain for individuals who are not candidates for surgery. Or, if additional interventions for pain are needed after a surgery, options are available through Holy Cross Health. 

Medication therapy

Medication therapy can be very effective in keeping patients as functional as possible while minimizing the disruption of pain. At the Pain Management Center, located at Holy Cross Hospital, our team of board-certified pain management physicians and support staff work with you to provide state-of-the-art, personalized care for your chronic back or neck pain. Holy Cross Health’s pain and management team is dedicated to helping you achieve maximum function by effectively managing your pain, increasing your ability to return to normal daily functions.

Pain management approaches for back and neck pain may include:

  • Medication management and therapy, including the use of innovative drug delivery technology such as an implanted drug pump or a patch worn on the skin. These options limit spikes in pain by delivering continuous medication slowly over time. 
  • Cervical, thoracic and lumbar epidural steroid injections to decrease inflammation at the nerve level  
  • Localized anesthetic injections  
  • Spinal cord stimulation, which utilizes a special implanted device that emits and sends mild electric pulses to the nerves, altering pain into a tingling sensation

Spine Medication Therapy at Holy Cross Health

For more information about the Pain Management Center at Holy Cross Hospital, call 301-933-8840. Additional pain management approaches may be available directly through your physician or from other providers in the community. 

Physical Therapy

Available at Holy Cross Hospital, outpatient physical therapy for back and neck conditions focuses on the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments that support the spine. Our interventions can help improve your posture, strengthen muscles, improve range of motion, manage your pain and restore function. And, we will educate you and provide the necessary tools to preserve and take care of your spine long after you are finished with therapy.

Through one-on-one sessions, Holy Cross Health’s specially trained therapists can assess your condition and create an individualized treatment plan to help maintain spine health, delay or even avoid surgery. We’re also here if physical therapy is recommended following a spine procedure.

To help limit pain and imrpve your mobility and function, your therapist may use a variety of techniques and interventions such as:

  • Strengthening and stretching exercises
  • Postural education and correction
  • Joint mobilization
  • Massage
  • Assistive device training
  • Home safety and mobility instruction
  • Therapeutic modalities such as traction, ultrasound, heat or cold therapy, and electrical nerve and muscle stimulation

For more information about Holy Cross Health’s outpatient therapy services, call 301-754-7340. 

Exercise and Flexibility Classes

Exercise programs tailored to your mobility needs help to increase flexibility, improve range of motion and balance, build muscle and strength, and improve your overall health. Holy Cross Health offers a variety of fitness programs and classes that can provide relief from neck and back pain and even help prevent future debilitation and discomfort.

For more information about our health and wellness classes and programs, call 301-754-8800 or view our listing in Fitness and Health