Kid's Fit


  Kid's Fit
By the Numbers - Fiscal 2015

CircleArrow_15px.png 87 classes held

CircleArrow_15px.png 5,018 encounters

CircleArrow_15px.png 70% of kid's Fit participants complete the President's Challenge Test for fitness.

Helping Kids Get a Healthy Start

Kid's Fit is addressing one of this region’s—and the nation’s—most serious health problems: Obesity in children.

More than half of Montgomery County residents and more than 65 percent of Prince George's County residents are overweight or obese.  Obesity is particularly prevalent among African Americans and Latinos in our community—and many of those affected are children.

Reducing Future Health Issues

Obese children are at greater risk for cardiovascular, orthopedic and other health problems later in life.  But teaching kids healthy lifestyle habits early on can go a long way to prevent obesity and future chronic health conditions.

Kid's Fit is a free after-school program designed by Holy Cross Health for children ages 6 to 12. It is offered in partnership with the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County at four sites, as well as the Silver Spring Boys and Girls Club.

Classes meet for one hour, twice a week at each location, and include exercise, information about living a healthy lifestyle, and a nutritious snack. It's a fun mix of activity and health education that helps children understand the importance of taking care of themselves.  The children also gain self-confidence and learn the value of persistence and teamwork.

Meeting the Challenge

Each spring and fall, the kids see how far they have come by taking the President's Challenge test.  They perform a number of exercises to measure upper body and core strength, speed and agility, and lower body flexibility.