Senior Fit

Free Classes Help Adults Age 55+ Stay Active

Thousands of area seniors are getting—and staying—healthy through Holy Cross Health’s award-winning Senior Fit program. Established in 1995, the program is the largest of its kind in the region. Today, the program has grown to serve more than 2,000 seniors 55 and older throughout Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

Community Partnerships 

Senior Fit is funded by Holy Cross Health in partnership with Montgomery County Health and Human Services.  Space for classes is provided free of charge by Montgomery County Department of Recreation, Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission, Asbury Methodist Village, Rockville Senior Center and local churches.

Senior Fit participants are community members age 55 years and older. Classes are led by nationally certified fitness professionals with years of experience teaching physical activity for older adults

Improving Health, Preventing Disease

Year after year, Senior Fit has demonstrated success in improving health and preventing disease. Following are participant comments that demonstrate results:

“Lost 35 lbs. and kept it off, dropped cholesterol, A1c and blood pressure numbers.”

“Per my Doctor's directions, I stopped taking diabetes medicine and my blood pressure medicine was reduced.”

“Improved balance, endurance, strength. And I made friends.”

“Senior Fit helped improve my bone density, strength, and blood pressure.”

Class Registration Information

Holy Cross Health is excited to offer virtual and in-person Senior Fit classes for adults 55+.  A complete registration form including waiver must be submitted and confirmed before participating in an in-person or virtual class. If you choose to register by phone, please know which class you would like to take and have an email address ready to receive confirmation of your registration and a link to the annual program survey.

In-Person Classes

Virtual Classes

Virtual Classes

Participants may only register for ONE IN-PERSON CLASS Participants may register for UP TO FOUR (4) CLASSES
The maximum number of participants for in-person classes is 100. There is no maximum # of participants.
Registration will be open for in-person classes at 5 p.m. on Monday, December 16, 2024 through Tuesday, September 30, 2025 OR until the class reaches the participant maximum of 100, whichever comes first. Registration will be open for virtual classes at 5 p.m. on Monday, December 16, 2024, through Tuesday, September 30, 2025. 
Enrollment for 2025 in-person classes will be valid from January 6th through December 19, 2025. Enrollment for 2025 virtual classes will be valid from January 6th through December 19, 2025.

How to Register

There are two ways to register for a Senior Fit class:1) by phone for in person classes OR 2) online for virtual classes. To register by phone, call 301-754-8800, and be sure to have a valid e-mail address ready for the registrar. To register online, click the button below to register for the desired class. 

Virtual Senior Fit Classes


If you need assistance registering for a class or if you have questions, call us at 301-754-8800 or email

Frequently Asked Questions

Registration for in-person classes and virtual classes is open at 5:00 pm. from December 16, 2024 through September 30, 2025. Registration for virtual classes is open throughout the year until September 30, 2025. Those who need assistance with registration may call 301-754-8800. A valid e-mail address will be needed to complete the registration. To register online, click one of the buttons below to register for an online or in-person class.

Virtual Senior Fit Classes

Classes are held virtually on the Microsoft Teams platform and in-person at various facilities in Montgomery Countyand Prince George's Counties. For an updated list of available classes, click on one of the buttons below or call 301-754-8800. Learn more about how to access virtual classes using Microsoft Team

Virtual Senior Fit Classes

In-Person Senior Fit Classes

Classes are ongoing throughout the year, except during major holidays and during Montgomery County Public Schools' Winter and Spring breaks. Following is the list of Senior Fit holidays:

  • New Year’s Day 
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • President’s Day 
  • Montgomery County Public Schools' Spring Break
  • Memorial Day 
  • Juneteenth Day
  • Independence Day 
  • Labor Day 
  • Columbus Day 
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving 
  • Montgomery County Public Schools' Winter Break

No. Senior Fit classes are offered free of charge to community members age 55 and older.

Senior Fit is offered through a partnership among Holy Cross Health, National Lutheran Communities and Services, Kaiser Permanente, MGN Family Foundation, Montgomery County Department of Recreation, Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning Commission, and local churches.

In-person participants may only register for ONE ON-SITE class time slot to allow as many participants as possible to have access to a class. All in-person classes meet twice per week and the class size is limited to 100 registered participants. 

Virtual participants may register for up to four classes.

Virtual classes – always. Request changes at

In-Person classes – it depends. Please email us at to check availability for the class you would prefer.

Communication about class changes will be sent to the email addresses provided during registration.

All Senior Fit participants must have a valid waiver to participate and to receive Senior Fit notifications about classes.  Waivers are valid for one calendar year, January through December. If your waiver has expired and it has not been renewed, your registration will be considered “inactive” and you will not receive notifications until your waiver is renewed.

If you have any issues logging into a virtual class, please email us at

For instructions on how to log in to a virtual class via a computer or your smartphone, click here.