Anil Narang, DO

Anil Narang, DO, interventional radiologist, represents a practice that has provided radiology services through Holy Cross Health facilities for more than 50 years.

In 1998, when Dr. Narang became the practice’s CEO and president, he prioritized not only clinical support for Holy Cross, but also philanthropic support. Since then, Diagnostic Medical Imaging has contributed more than $500,000 to support the mission of Holy Cross Health.

“By supporting the Foundation, I can help Holy Cross make a difference beyond my field of radiology,” said Dr. Narang. Diagnostic Medical Imaging also provides support through major fundraising efforts such as the golf tournament and gala.

For Dr. Narang, Holy Cross is a family affair. Not only has Holy Cross cared for his family, but his wife Vandana serves on the Holy Cross Health Foundation board of directors. “It just makes me feel incredibly fulfilled,” says Dr. Narang. “I know we are really helping people and making a difference.”

Anil Narang, DO | Donor Story

It just makes me feel incredibly fulfilled. I know we are really helping people and making a difference.” 
- Anil Narang, DO, donor

To make your first gift or  to renew your support, visit or download our pledge form and mail it to the foundation at 10720 Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20901.

For more information about the Holy Cross Health Foundation, please call 301-557-GIVE (4483) or email