Skye Kimbrough

In 2005, Ronit Kimbrough was rushed to Holy Cross Hospital to deliver her precious daughter Skye, who was born at only 25 weeks, weighing a mere one pound, seven ounces. Skye spent the next three months in the Holy Cross Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

“I was beyond terrified,” says Ronit. That is, until Dawn Walton, MD, Neonatologist, intervened. “Dr. Walton walked in and told me that she had just seen Skye, and that she was beautiful. She asked me to stop looking on the internet at all the bad things which might be, and to instead look at my beautiful baby and believe in her. It was exactly what my soul needed to hear.”

Today Skye enjoys cheerleading, horseback riding, guitar and singing. She also has a loving and generous heart, Ronit says, and she proved it by deciding that her 8th birthday party would be about giving back to Holy Cross rather than asking for presents for herself.

Skye raised more than $2,000 for the hospital at her party, and was proud to tell her friends why she was asking them to give. “She wanted to honor Holy Cross and the people who helped her so much as a baby, in the hope that it could help another newborn who needed that kind of personal, phenomenal care,” explains Ronit.

Skye and her parents raised $2,000 through a birthday party to support the Holy Cross Health Foundation and they continue to make generous donations.


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For more information about the Holy Cross Health Foundation, please call 301-557-GIVE (4483) or email