
All the Support You Need Feeding Your Infant

Breastfeeding is a natural process that provides many benefits to your newborn. At Holy Cross Health’s hospitals in Silver Spring and Germantown, we offer a number of resources to mothers who are breastfeeding or considering it.

Support During Your Stay at the Hospital

While you are in the hospital, our nurses or certified lactation consultants can help you with latching on and positioning, encouraging fussy and reluctant babies, and meeting you and your baby's special needs. If you are considering lactation support once you return home, we can help. The ILCA also offers a directory of international board-certified lactation consultants (IBCLCs®) that you can search at These professionals charge for their services.

Breastfeeding Support Group

For some, breastfeeding can take some patience to master. If you need emotional support or need your questions answered, consider joining our free breastfeeding support group, offered in partnership with Breastfeeding USA. To learn more, call 301-326-4715 for English and 530-535-8242 for Spanish. 

Breastfeeding Classes

If you are an expectant mom, register today for our virtual class: Getting Started with Breastfeeding. This comprehensive class will help expectant moms get off to a good start with breastfeeding. Topics include benefits to breastfeeding, latching on, positioning, and signs that the baby is getting enough.

We also periodically offer a free workshop to provide resources to help moms enhance their nursing experience. Browse upcoming childbirth and parenting education classes and events.

Breast Pump Rental

Hospital-grade electric breast pumps are available for rental from the Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring Lactation Service office. For more information call 301-754-7745.

Community Resources for Breastfeeding After You Leave the Hospital