OB/GYN Clinics

The Obstetric/Gynecologic (OB/GYN) Clinic at Holy Cross Hospital and the OB Clinic at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital offer maternity care and services to patients in need, regardless of their ability to pay. The clinics provide both routine obstetrical care and specialized care for high-risk pregnancies. Services include prenatal care, post-delivery care, gynecological services and counseling. The clinic at Holy Cross Hospital is located on the second floor and clinic at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital is located on the third floor. Learn more about the OB clinics.

The Holy Cross Health clinics serve as referral centers for Montgomery County Maternity Partnership patients.

Holy Cross Health is a  leading provider of prenatal, obstetric and gynecologic services for uninsured women in Montgomery County.

To schedule an appointment at either of our clinics, call 301-754-8200 

For social services information at Holy Cross Hospital, call 301-754-7470, and at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital call 301-557-6470. 

For financial assistance information at Holy Cross Hospital, call 301-754-7195, and at Holy Cross Germantown Hospital, call 301-557-6195