Private Maternity Suites

Happy woman holding her baby

A Comfortable Setting for Recovery

After your baby’s birth, you both will be taken to a private suite to recover in a quiet and comfortable setting.

All private maternity suites offer comfortable furniture, muted colors and subdued lighting, as well as a private bathroom, cable television with on-demand entertainment and education, and a telephone. We also adhere to all the latest health and safety standards.

A registered nurse will care for you and your baby and lactation consultants also will be available. We will teach you about your after-delivery care, as well as breast-feeding, bottle-feeding, and basic infant care and safety. We also perform a hearing screening, metabolic testing, and critical congenital heart defect (CCHD) testing on all newborns. Before you go home, we will provide you with resources covering important things you will need to do, even a newborn checklist.

We encourage mothers to keep their babies with them in their rooms. “Rooming-in” with your baby provides a great opportunity to get to know your newborn.

And when you are ready to head home, we will ensure you have a variety of resources to help navigate your journey with your new little one. We will also assist you in completing the birth certificate before you leave. If you have questions, you may call the birth registrar at:

  • 301-754-8785 (Silver Spring)
  • 301-557-6832 (Germantown).


The suites offer a host of amenities to make your stay comfortable:

  • Room Service 
    At both hospitals, you can order meals to be delivered to your room by browsing a restaurant-style menu and calling to place your order. Kosher and vegetarian options are available.
  • Television, Internet, and Cellular Phones 
    Our hospitals offer free wireless Internet access. Patients and visitors are permitted to bring wireless-enabled laptops for communication needs. Cellular phones may be used within the maternity areas of the hospital except in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). 
  • myStation is your in-room education and entertainment center, accessible via your television. The system allows you to watch TV, view on demand more than 20 educational videos related to pregnancy and women's health, watch movies, play games, access the Internet, and learn more about the hospital.

Financial Considerations 

If you have financial concerns, including lack of insurance or inability to pay, please contact our financial counselors at

  • 301-754-7195 (Silver Spring)
  • 301-557-6195 (Germantown)

Our counselors can help you navigate the process of applying for Medicaid for your baby.

Holy Cross Health is an owner of Maryland Physicians Care, a Medicaid-Managed Care Organization in Maryland’s HealthChoice program. HealthChoice is a program of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. For more information on Maryland Physicians Care, visit or call 800-953-8854.

Interpreter Services 

Sign language and foreign language interpretation is available.

Safety and Security 

Our hospitals use a state-of-the art infant security system. You will receive information about the system when you are in the Labor and Delivery unit. All hospital staff wear photo identification badges. The badges of maternity staff include an orange bar.